
The Morpheus8 Experience

Who is an ideal candidate for Morpheus8?

Morpheus8 is a cosmetic procedure that treats different skin types. The procedure is ideal for anyone ready to improve their skin laxity, texture, and tone. Anyone with concerns like mild sagging skin, fine lines, wrinkles, or acne scars should consult with a Remedy practitioner to determine eligibility for the procedure.

How should I prepare for Morpheus8?

In order to properly prepare for Morpheus8, consult with a Remedy Skin + Body provider to discuss your medical history and make sure that this procedure is a safe option for you.

This appointment is necessary so the provider can determine if Morpheus8 will be a safe and effective treatment for treating your skin concerns.

Anyone who is currently on Accutane or certain prescription medications should refrain from use for at least six months before the procedure. Candidates should also avoid sun exposure, tanning beds, and tanning products two weeks before their Morpheus8 treatment. Additionally, topical products containing tretinoin, retinol, retinoids, or harsh acids should be avoided before each session to minimize skin irritation.

How does Morpheus8 work?

What distinguishes Morpheus8 from other popular cosmetic procedures is the combination of radiofrequency and microneedles. The needles puncture the upper layers of the skin while the radiofrequency energy waves penetrate deeper. This process increases collagen and elastin production to produce clearer, smoother, and radiant skin.

What happens on the day of treatment?

Each Morpheus8 treatment starts with the application of a topical anesthetic to numb the skin and decrease discomfort. At Remedy Skin + Body, we then use lidocaine injections to further decrease discomfort. The clinician places the microneedling/RF applicator on the skin to start the skin rejuvenation process.

How long does a Morpheus8 session take?

Each Morpheus8 treatment takes 30 to 60 minutes to complete. Some sessions may take longer, depending on the treatment area.

How many Morpheus8 sessions are required for optimal results?

The number of sessions that are needed varies depending on the patient’s aesthetic goals. Many patients undergo three to four sessions for treatment and have maintenance sessions as needed. It is common for some individuals to notice results immediately after their first Morpheus8 appointment. However, most patients experience gradual improvements in their appearance over the course of several weeks, after a few Morpheus8 treatments.

Is Morpheus8 painful?

Some patients experience moderate discomfort during the procedure, so our expertly trained providers will numb your skin to help minimize any pain and make the experience more tolerable overall. After the treatment, your skin will likely be flushed and red, similar to if you had a mild sunburn. You might also experience swelling, minor bruising, and sensitivity, which are all completely normal and should subside within just a few days.

What is the expected downtime of the procedure?

True downtime is very minimal with Morpheus8, and most people are able to resume their daily activities immediately after the procedure. “Social” downtime, including mild swelling and redness, may last up to a week.

What results can I expect to see from Morpheus8, and how long do they typically last?

The integration of microneedling and radiofrequency offered by Morpheus8 can lead to a gradual but noticeable improvement in skin firmness and a general reduction in common signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles when used on the face, neck, and jawline. 

Beyond correcting signs of aging, it’s also very effective at improving uneven skin texture, acne scars, and enlarged pores, as the microneedling aspect promotes skin renewal by inducing controlled micro-injuries, prompting the body’s natural healing processes and leading to a refined skin texture. It can even tighten and contour the skin on other, larger areas of the body, like the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks.

While you may start to see some improvements in your skin almost immediately after the procedure, the full extent of the results usually unfolds over the following weeks and months. The delayed progression is due to the time required for collagen and elastin synthesis, which leads to a progressive and natural-looking rejuvenation of the skin.

The longevity of Morpheus8 results is influenced by several different factors, including the individual characteristics of your skin, your personal lifestyle choices, and how well you adhere to post-treatment care. Typically, results can last anywhere between 1-3 years, and maintenance sessions, spaced strategically, may also be recommended to prolong the results.

Ultimately, the duration of the results can vary from person to person, so it’s important to have open communication with your Remedy Skin + Body provider during the initial consultation. This will give you a thorough understanding of the potential outcomes of the treatment based on your unique skin profile and your desired aesthetic enhancements.

Are there any potential side effects or risks associated with Morpheus8?

Morpheus8 is considered to be a safe and effective treatment when it’s performed by a qualified professional. Some of the more common side effects can include mild redness, swelling, scabs, and bruising, but these will usually subside within just a few days. In rare cases, infection or scarring can occur, so it’s important to follow the post-treatment care instructions that your provider gives you to minimize these potential risks. If you experience any unusual reactions after the procedure, be sure to contact your provider immediately.

Can Morpheus8 be combined with any other cosmetic procedures?

Yes, you can combine Morpheus8 with other treatments in the same session, or you can undergo Morpheus8 a few days after you’ve done other treatments. It’s often combined with chemical peels or injectables like Botox or fillers so that multiple skin concerns can be addressed at the same time. However, since these procedures can lead to skin sensitivity, it’s always important to have a thorough consultation with your Remedy Skin + Body provider to decide if combining treatments is right for you.

How should I care for my skin post-Morpheus8 treatment?

After you undergo Morpheus8, it’s important to follow the post-procedure care instructions provided to you. Generally, it’s important to avoid direct sun exposure, use gentle skincare products, stay well-hydrated, and protect your skin with a broad-spectrum SPF. You should also attend any follow-up appointments as recommended by your Remedy Skin + Body provider so you can both closely monitor your progress and address any concerns.

Is Morpheus8 a safe procedure for everyone?

Morpheus8 is usually safe for all skin types and tones. However, if you’re breastfeeding or have certain medical conditions, you’re likely not a good candidate for the procedure. It’s always important to talk with your provider ahead of time and be very open and transparent about your medical history to ensure the safest experience possible.

What is the recommended amount of time between Morpheus8 sessions?

You will usually be advised to wait several weeks between Morpheus8 sessions, as this gives the skin time to heal and maximize the benefits of collagen and elastin production. The specific timeframe will vary depending on your individual response to the treatment and the skin concerns that you’re looking to address, so your Remedy provider will design a customized treatment plan with an appropriate session schedule.

Can I wear makeup immediately after my Morpheus8 treatment?

It’s usually advised to wait 2 days after the procedure before applying makeup, as this gives the skin time to recover. Most patients experience some redness, swelling, and flaking, and applying makeup to the treatment area right away can exacerbate these effects. Based on your response to the treatment, your Remedy Skin + Body provider will offer guidance on when it’s safe to resume your normal skincare and makeup routines.

Can Morpheus8 be used as a preventative measure against aging skin?

Yes, you can undergo Morpheus8 as a preventative measure against aging. Because the procedure stimulates your own collagen and elastin production, it contributes to maintaining your skin’s elasticity and firmness in the long run. Some people choose to do Morpheus8 treatments before significant signs of aging start to appear to be proactive in preserving the health of their skin.

Can Morpheus8 be performed during pregnancy or while breastfeeding?

The safety of Morpheus8 during pregnancy or breastfeeding hasn’t been conclusively established, so as a precautionary measure, it’s avoided during these periods. It’s always important to tell your Remedy Skin + Body provider if you’re currently pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or breastfeeding, as they’ll be able to provide guidance based on your circumstances.

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